Wednesday, May 21

Directory Printer

The JR Directory Printer Utility allows you to print a listing of every file contained within a directory and/or subdirectory(ies).

The result displayed in NotePad or default text editor as "dirprint.txt" file. This file is created in "JR Directory Printer" installtion folder, each time you click "Start" button.


  • Check Recurse Sub-directories option to see a complete list of all subdirectories and all files in all directories.
  • The Lowercase Filename option will force all file names into lowercase regardless of the actual file name.
  • Dos style filename option will limit the file name length within 8 chars.
  • Display Sub-directories will result in a list of all subdirectories contained under the selected directory along with a list of all individual files contained under the root directory. It will not list all subdirectories or individual files contained in the main subdirectories. To see a complete list of all subdirectories and all files in all directories, you would check the Recurse Sub-directories option and click on the Start button. This would rewrite the"dirprint.txt" file using the new options.
  • You can limit length file names so that they fits properly in list. By default this value is 35 chars.
  • You can check/uncheck Display Size, DateTime and Attributes option to list/unlist the file size, modified date/time and file attributes (a - Archives, r - Read Only, s - System, h - Hidden).