Saturday, May 31

Get Free Linux CD's and DVD's Delivered To Your Home For Free

You can always download your chosen free Linux distribution from the Internet.
If you would prefer a copy some distribution vendors who will send you CDs or DVDs of their latest Linux version to you, absolutely free of cost!

1. Ubuntu

Ubuntu is the most user-friendly Linux OS out there, whose popularity is growing day by day. You can get a free CD of the desktop and Server edition of the latest Ubuntu distro shipped to your home (wherever it is, in this world) absolutely free of cost, through the Ubuntu Shipit program. All you have to do, is to create a free account at Launchpad and then use this link to get as many CDs as you want.

2. Fedora

Fedora is a community supported, RedHat sponsored Linux distro. You can get a free DVD of fedora through the Free Media Program, which is a volunteer driven program that aims to distribute Fedora Core DVDs for free to individuals. Visit this link, and use the 'Request Form' to get yourself a DVD of the latest fedora.

3. Oracle Enterprise Linux

Oracle is giving free media of their Linux distribution under the name 'Unbreakable Linux'. You need to visit this page and register with your shipping address. Oracle will send the 2 DVD set to this address.