Tuesday, March 16

Wireless network scanners

outSSIDer scans open unencrypted WiFi networks. Whenever it finds one it alerts you and then tries to connect to it automatically.

inSSIDer is a free open source network scanner for Windows 7 and Vista that uses Windows Native WiFi API to get wireless information. inSSIDer helps find Wi-Fi access points and track the strength of received signal over time, highlighting the access points with higher Wi-Fi concentration. It allows exporting of Wi-Fi and GPS data to a KML file for viewing in Google Earth.
Website here

Vistumbler is another open source Wi-Fi scanner for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Vistumbler uses the Vista command 'netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid' to get wireless information, and then maps the Wi-Fi hotspots found into a map.


* GPS Support
* Export/Import access points from Vistumbler or Netstumbler
* Export access point GPS locations to a Google Earth kml file or GPX
* Live Google Earth Tracking
* Speaks Signal Strength using sound files
